Personnel Issues and Professional Concerns

The Personnel Issues and Professional Concerns Committee of NCLA is dedicated to work-related situations, emotional well-being, and general health related questions of all members at all phases of their employment and beyond.

The current project of the committee is collecting staff association/union contracts and having all information available to NCLA members at a central location. All contracts received and notices of library personnel without contracts is held at the NCLA Farmingdale Library Archives under the supervision of Stu Schaefer, archivist.

Appointments must be made in advance to view the contracts.  Unfortunately, only a small percentage of libraries responded and this fact has been noted in the library file. Letters will be sent, again, to library staff associations and unions in the early Fall who have not responded. All contracts may be sent to Larry Lederer at Manhasset Library.

In addition, the committee hopes to address several of the following concerns in 2016 regarding health care, medicare, retirement, social security, job availability, and various phases of your career in the library. As of now, the committee meets three times a year.

MOST IMPORTANT: NCLA is a large organization with a membership that is constantly growing. We, as a committee, are here to help address possible concerns and issues at the beginning of your career, midway and beyond.

For further information, please contact, Jade Jacobs, Co-Chair at, or Tracy Horodyski, Co-Chair, at

Page last modified on February 9, 2024.